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  • Writer's pictureFr. Howard Thompson

Lenten Bytes

Our Lord has given us all that we need to live in love and to serve Him in peace. Today’s gospel (Mt. 21:33-46) challenges us to ask the question, what type of tenants are we? Do we willingly return to the Lord the praise He is due in our prayer and worship? Do we try to fast from sin and feed on His word? Are we generous to others the way He is to us?

This parable promises a reward to those who respond positively. It also states that if we do not live as the tenants who meet the Lord’s expectations, then we will be thrown out. Choose this day what type of tenants we will be. Honour the Lord with our lives, and let the light of our duties and promises as God’s people remove the darkness in our world.

Lord Jesus, You are the great provider. As we trust in Your power to care for us, may we be willing to show our gratitude by the worship we offer You and the service we give to build Your vineyard, Your eternal kingdom. Amen.


Fr. Howie


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