A journey of faith can be difficult and at times prove to be very challenging. Will we struggle and at times even fail and fall? Of course! but if as brothers and sisters we can learn to support, lean on and even lift up each other...it will make getting up that much easier. We must rely on each other, as well as, the resources made available through the Church.
At Stella Maris we are here to lend a hand to every member of our Church Family as we journey along our way. Below are just a few of the resources available on our website, which will help to point us in the right direction; and provide more insight as to who we are as a Parish and what it means to be Catholic. Our Pastor's messages and homilies inspire and guide us; while our news and events provide further opportunities for us to grow in faith and explore our relationship with God. The Catholic Church as a whole, also provides a treasure trove of information to assist (see "other Key Links" below).
We hope that you will choose to join us here in our Parish and make it your home too. Register Today! and together let's "wade deeper" as we learn more about our Parish and this our beautiful faith!