An authentic prayer life should enable us to either draw closer to the Lord and align our lives to His word, or help us to identify what needs to be corrected in order to please Him. Since His word does not return to Him void (Is. 55:11), then we can trust Him to provide for us; protect us from evil, and forgive us as we forgive others (Mt. 6:7-15).
If more believers paid greater attention to God’s word and choose to intentionally listen to Him in prayer, what a better and more beautiful world we would share.
Loving Father, as You provide for our daily needs, help us to reveal Your providence by responding to the needs of those around us. Protect us from all danger and evil. Grant that as we celebrate being forgiven by You, our willingness to forgive all may be a pleasing and acceptable sacrifice in Your sight. Amen.
Fr. Howie