Jesus said, “If God were your Father, you would love me” (Jn. 8:42). The proof that we are children of God in name and in fact, is by the love we have for God and each other. But the way this love is expressed is in need of constant refining. The evidence of loving God is in the yielding of our will to His, and allowing His word to shape our lives.
The will and word of the Lord bring life. He not only delivers the three men from the flames, but also grants revelation to the King (Dn. 3), who sees God’s power to save and to restore life. True love for God is to surrender our lives to Him. Real love for others is concretised by the words and actions we impart which promote life. Let love shine.
Lord Jesus, You came so that we may have abundant life. Teach us how to truly love, so that our love for You may be translated into promoting life, peace and joy to all. Amen.
Fr. Howie