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  • Writer's pictureFr. Howard Thompson

Easter Bytes

The BBC reports that, “People diagnosed with Covid-19 in the previous six months were more likely to develop depression, dementia, psychosis and stroke. A third of those with a previous Covid infection went on to develop, or have a relapse of, a psychological or some neurological condition.” (British Broadcasting Commission, web app, Apr. 7, 2021).

The above is indeed cause for concern. We may know of people who have been infected with the coronavirus, have had mild symptoms, but are neither conscious of the above, nor have taken steps to mitigate their contact with others. Indeed, there are some who are still living as if the coronavirus has disappeared, and even demand normalcy from others.

Today’s gospel reading shows the importance of withdrawing with the Lord and reflecting on His words (Lk. 24:13-35). When we take time away from the ‘hustle and bustle’ of daily demands, we can then still the voices of others and our own, so that we can hear the Lord speak. He feeds us with words of life. Choose to listen to the guidance He gives.

Speak Lord, Your servants are listening. Feed us with Your words and Body, and guide us in our daily walk of life, as we navigate the many challenges we currently face. Amen.


Fr. Howie


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