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  • Writer's pictureFr. Howard Thompson

Daily Bytes

There is a real struggle between good and evil. The difficulty lies in the differences caused by agendas and perspectives. Agendas that favour or disfavour will consequently result in the support or rejection of the proposal, person or party. Opposing perspectives will fight and disagree on what is right and what is wrong.

Our Lord went about doing good. He taught, fed and healed (Lk. 13:10-17). But not even He was spared from the realities of agendas and perspectives. The crowds supported Him for what they were getting. The leaders not only rejected Him out of jealousy, but also had a different perspective of the law and its obligations.

In the storms of agendas and perspectives, there is the need for ongoing discernment from the Holy Spirit. There is no easy answer to sometimes say who is right or who is wrong. But I believe there are two criteria that may help. These are to cultivate an authentic love for the other that leads to the quality of life for all.

Loving God, teach us how to work through our differences so that our united efforts may lead to the building of Your kingdom. May the power of Your gift of love embolden us to promote life-giving actions on behalf of Your people. Amen.


Fr. Howie



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