The truly wealthy are those who are “rich in what matters to God” (Lk. 12:21). This means that anyone, who has little or lots, is truly remarkably affluent. The impoverished who trust in God will have their needs met through the generosity that God inspires others to show. The material wealth that is amassed will either fade or is left behind at death.
The temporary states of poverty and prosperity can never be compared to the eternal and priceless things of God. He is rich in mercy and His opulent love is unlimited (Eph. 2:4). It is therefore more productive to expend our energy and keep our minds centered on what is important: the state of our souls and right relationship with our infinite Lord.
Immortal Lord, You give us all that we need in this life to be happy, contented and at peace. Help us to set our hearts on the ‘treasure’ of spending eternity with You in Your kingdom. May we therefore be more attentive to the spiritual realities that outlast the material things that are passing, and be equally generous with our love, mercy and kindness. Amen.
Fr. Howie