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  • Writer's pictureFr. Howard Thompson

Daily Byte

How often do we find ourselves in a place of emotional or spiritual pain because we missed the presence of the Lord? He is always with us, but in the realities of being busy, distracted or trying to cope with the ever changing circumstances of life, we either forget Him or fail to enjoy His company. As Jesus bemoans the pain that Jerusalem will endure because they did not recognise His visitation (Lk. 19:44), so too the Lord weeps when we get so absorbed in people, experiences and events that we miss the peace that only He gives.

Today, take time to pause, be aware of one's breath which speaks of life, and focus even more intentionally on the God who truly loves us, and who will always be in our lives.

Lord Jesus, each day You come to give us peace and joy. May we always keep our eyes fixed on You, so that in the comfort of Your company, we may walk with confidence and proclaim victory in You. Amen.


Fr. Howie


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