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  • Writer's pictureFr. Howard Thompson

Daily Byte

How many of us can relate to the following experience? — Mom or Dad have been gone all day to work. The time to return home is nigh. You wait with anxious anticipation, keeping an eye on the road or door. Each passing moment seems like an eternity. Then either the car pulls up or the door slowly opens. Your eyes meet. Both of you smile as if there are no cares in the world. You greet each other with a warm hug. All is well with the world.

Jesus tells us to keep watch and be ready for His return (Lk. 12:35-38). We do not wait in vain. Our loved one returns at the end of the day, but our Lord will return at the end of time. He is faithful to His promise. While we wait, let us work with His grace to keep our minds and hearts pure. Let us strive to keep our souls ready by recognising and repenting from our sins. Our Lord will return to embrace us and take us to our eternal home.

Lord, You have promised to return to us and take us that place You are preparing. Help us to joyfully keep watch, and spiritually prepare ourselves to embrace you forever. Amen.


Fr. Howie


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