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  • Writer's pictureFr. Howard Thompson

Daily Byte

In this current pandemic, there is now the requirement that those who wish to travel must show their vaccination card. Those who belong to this group will be given entry into the country of their destination. The understandable hesitancy by some people to take the vaccine, or the insistence of choice, now give way to the expediency of travel.

As a people who belong to the kingdom of God (Lk. 17:20-25), we do not walk around with physical membership cards as proof of our status. In fact, it is not so much for us to prove that we are kingdom people, as it more for people to see and detect our allegiance to the Lord by our lifestyle and choices. May God’s kingdom be evident by our lived values.

King Jesus, You inaugurated Your kingdom and made us citizens so that we know true joy, peace and love. May we choose to embrace and reveal Your kingdom values to all. Amen.


Fr. Howie


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