Our God gives us two gifts that enable us to bear fruit for His glory: time and His Spirit. We are all given the gift of time to be used to identify and correct those thoughts, words and actions that are not of God nor His word. Time is to be used to work on our failings, make an effort to change, and eventually become fruitful as God desires (Lk. 13:1-9).
However, as good and as moral as we are, none of us can truly repent and bear good fruit without the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Sin deceives the sinner. The Spirit works to effect spiritual consciousness, so that the limits of psychological and mental deficiencies can be lifted, and allow the grace of the Lord to help us bear good fruit.
Lord Jesus, Your desire to save us is evidenced by Your sacrifice on the cross. You invite us to use our time to repent, and to bear fruit by the power of Your Spirit. May we intentionally do all that we can to become and be fruitful trees who bear good fruit in Your garden. Amen.
Fr. Howie