Elizabeth said to Mary, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb” (Lk. 1:42). Such endearing words are a reflection of Mary’s beautiful soul who yields to the Lord. Elizabeth’s proclamation is possible because of her purity of heart.
Mary’s full compliance to God’s will, as a Believer and Mother, sets her apart and makes her the ultimate example for all mothers. Elizabeth’s non-jealousy and true joy for Mary, allows for her “purity of heart to see the Lord” in Mary’s presence.
Both women in today’s gospel (Lk. 1:39-56) offer much food for thought that can help us to advance in our spiritual lives, see the Lord in others, and be real sources of support.
Lord Jesus, we thank You for the grace You impart to help us to listen to Your voice and to follow Your will. May we, like Mary and Elizabeth, use each moment to celebrate and glorify Your Spirit in our lives, and to recognize Your presence in the lives of all people. Amen.
Fr. Howie