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  • Writer's pictureFr. Howard Thompson

Daily Byte

Which mother would ever want to watch her son die a slow and painful death? Which son, as he is dying, would ever not be concerned about the welfare of his mother when he is gone? These two realities are portrayed in John’s gospel (Jn. 19:25-27). Mary’s heart broke as she watches her son dying on the cross. Jesus, as His life ebbs away, calls John to now care for Mary as his new mother. Despite the overwhelming sorrow in the moment, Jesus still offers hope and a new approach to life for His mother. Whether one has a loving devotion to Mary — as commissioned by Jesus to John and to all beloved disciples — or one is indifferent or even rejects the role of Mary as a gift of Mother to the Church, no parent can deny the excruciating sorrow that she experienced at the cross. A sword did pierce her heart (Lk. 2:35) as it did her son. The Lord suffers with us in our sorrows. But what He did for Mary, He does for each of us: He gives us Mary as our motherly comfort, and He assigns another ‘John’ for our support. Today, trust in the Lord’s saving plans for our lives. He gives us all we need in our sorrows. Lord Jesus, Your love for us is evident by the plans You put in place for our lives. May Your grace sustain us, as we take comfort in the bonds You give to us as gifts of comfort. Amen.


Fr. Howie


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