There are two comforting images presented to us in today’s gospel (Mt. 9:9-13). Jesus sits with sinners and declares that He did not come to call the righteous (Mt. 9:13). Prior to this, Jesus sees Matthew the tax collector sitting at the customs post and invited him to join His group. These two actions have significant implications for our spiritual lives. We worship a God who searches for us. He finds us when we, like Matthew, are ‘sitting’ in our sins, guilt and shame. Yet, the Lord does not walk pass us nor leave us behind. Instead, He invites us into His company, and walks with us to meet and sit with other sinners. His aim is to empower us to get up and walk in His grace.
Praise our merciful Lord. Lord Jesus, Your grace both cleanses me from my sins and empowers me to walk and sit in Your company. Help me to be just as merciful with all the people in my life. Amen.
Fr. Howie