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  • Writer's pictureFr. Howard Thompson

Advent Bytes

John the Baptist is identified by our Lord as a prophet par excellence (Lk. 7:24-30). John is the ‘voice’ that prepares the way for the ‘Word’ made flesh. John is the ‘candle’ that glows before the eternal ‘Sun’ rises to shine. John is the ‘yeast’ that precludes the ‘Bread’.

So impressive was John in his preaching that he was asked if he is the promised Messiah. As an Advent people, we too are empowered by the Lord to prepare ourselves and others for His coming. Like John, do others see the ‘spark’ of the Messiah in each of us?

Loving Lord, as we prepare ourselves for the celebration of Your birth, we look forward with eager anticipation for Your return. Unlike the crowded inn, may we choose to make room in our hearts for You, so that all may see Your holy presence in our daily lives. Amen.


Fr. Howie


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