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  • Fr. Howard Thompson

Daily Byte

Our fast paced contemporary lifestyle makes it difficult to dedicate moments to truly rest and offer fitting worship to our God. Seven Day Adventists have managed to maintain a full Saturday to worship, but then have to expend extra energy on Sunday for study, work or other activities, so as not to fall behind their contemporaries in these areas of their lives. Others seem too busy and offer reasons why they cannot rest or worship on Sundays. Jesus makes the important point that the “Son of Man is lord of the sabbath” (Lk. 6:5). As a Jew, Jesus reveals that the observation of a holy day does not exclude doing good, such as feeding the hungry. Indeed the Jewish Disciples were moved to gather and worship on the day the resurrected Jesus appeared, taught and fed them. As believers, find the time to be still each day and rest in the Lord. As God’s people, worship Him every day of our lives. Lord Jesus, You are the Alpha and the Omega, the Lord of all time. May our daily lives be filled with praising, thanking and blessing Your holy name. Amen.


Fr. Howie


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