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Daily Byte

Fr. Howard Thompson

Herod the tetrarch is responsible for beheading John the Baptist. We usually dismiss the murderer as a vile person from whom nothing good comes. But have we ever stopped to ponder the priceless spiritual gem that came from Herod’s mouth? He said of Jesus, that this man was John who was raised from the dead, and “that is why mighty powers are at work in him” (Mt. 14:1-2). While the Chief Priests, Scribes, Pharisees and the Disciples of Jesus struggled to understand Him, Herod the villain had an insight into resurrection. We do not know if Herod repented, or if the grace of God that made him speak with clarity about the power that comes from being raised from the dead led him to contrition and a sincere conversion to the Lord. What we do know is that Jesus died for sinners and rose in power to save us all. If we recognise this spiritual truth, then we can appreciate the fact that each time we die to sin and selfishness, we rise in power to authentic love for God, self and all. Let us live as a people who rise with Jesus every day, and reveal His power to everyone. Lord Jesus, as we thank You for Your love and mercy, may we choose to draw close to You, embrace the power of Your resurrection, and bring Your life to all we encounter. Amen.


Fr. Howie


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