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  • Fr. Howard Thompson

Daily Byte

Our God is constantly working in our lives for our benefit. We have the beautiful image of God as the potter and we are the clay (Jer. 18:1-6). How comforting to note that when the object of the clay turned out badly, the potter would try again and make a different object that pleased him, and was more suitable for the lump of clay. Just as the potter is willing to work with the clay to make something precious, so too our God works through His grace to fashion and form us into His prized possession. However, like clay, we must be willing to yield to the Potter’s hand in our lives so that we can become the dignified and loved creations that He chooses to keep. Loving Father, may we humbly submit ourselves into Your hands, so that as You mould and shape us into Your design, we may become the people who truly reflect Your image and are pleasing in Your sight. Amen.


Fr. Howie


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