When we allow the Lord to become the real source of our happiness, then we will always have a reason to celebrate every step in the journey of life. Every moment — good or bad; health or illness; life or death — is a new chapter to embrace the grace of God that is truly sufficient (2 Cor. 12:9), because the “joy of the Lord is our strength” (Neh. 8:10). This joy is a gift that supports and sustains us through the vicissitudes of life. It is not something others will understand. Indeed, it may cause friction as we see John’s disciples questioning the celebration of Jesus and His disciples (Mt. 9:14). There is a time to fast and a time to feast (Mt. 9:15). But the essence of genuine joy is not found in people, places, occasions or things because these will eventually fade away. When we choose to put God first, then all the joy, peace and love that He gives will be ours. Lord Jesus, You are the desire of our hearts and the satisfaction of our souls. Help us to seek You and Your kingdom above all things, to place You as priority in our lives, and to embrace the authentic peace and joy that You alone offer. Amen.
Fr. Howie