“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Rm. 10:13). We serve the one true God who is faithful and powerful. He is not only with us through the many storms that surface in our lives, but also has the power to rebuke the winds of destruction (Mt. 8:26). It is He who brings calm to our minds and peace to our hearts. Believers embrace an authentic conviction of God’s love when we personally experience His saving power. The disciples heard and saw what Jesus did for others. But today they all experience His awesome might. There is no storm so strong that God cannot calm. Let us call upon Him, trust in His omnipotence and live with joyful hope.
Lord Jesus, You constantly reveal your saving power in our lives. Teach us how to have faith in You as we navigate courageously the sea of life. Amen.
Fr. Howie