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Daily Byte

Fr. Howard Thompson

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. The love of the Lord for us knows no bounds. It prompted Him to become one like us in all things (Heb. 2:17) in order to save us from our sins. He desired to be ‘yoked’ with us (Mt. 11:29), so that working with Him, and not on our own strength, we may gain the support we need to build our lives and His kingdom. His heart beats to be with us forever. I have sometimes surmised in my prayer, that our God lives with a broken heart. God the Father had to watch His Son be ridiculed, rejected and put to death. Jesus who gave His life for us, has to watch the atrocities of starvation, destitution, rejection, violence, murder and war that cause pain in our world and rip at His heart. If we believe that by His wounds we are healed (Is. 53:5), then let us live to bring healing to the sacred heart of Jesus. Lord Jesus, thank You for loving us more than we will ever understand. Forgive our failings that cause pain to Your most sacred heart. May our lives be a reflection of Your love and healing. Amen.


Fr. Howie


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