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  • Fr. Howard Thompson

Daily Bytes

Can your love pass the ‘acid test’? God the Father loves us, not because we are good, but because He is love (1 Jn. 4:8). God the Son shows His love for us by dying on the cross, not because we are holy, but because we are sinners. God the Spirit fills us with His presence, not because we are worthy, but because He wants to lead us into holiness. Our triune God loves us beyond the barriers of sin, race, class, nationality, culture or religion. When Jesus tells us to love our God with our whole being (Mk. 12:30), it is understood that we are merely responding to a love that can never be repaid, contained or controlled. When He also adds that we must love our neighbour as ourselves (Mk. 12:31), we are graced to love friend and foe as God desires. Love breaks through every barrier, label or custom. Let the light of our love shine and overcome any darkness that may surface. Loving Father, You love us into existence, and desire our good and growth. Bless us so that we may be Your instruments of authentic love and life in this world. Amen.


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