There are three truths we can glean about God’s love from today’s gospel reading: 1. The love of the Lord never ceases (Lam. 3:22). Jesus’ love for His disciples did not stop because they abandoned and failed Him. He did not withdraw His love because Peter was weak and denied Him. His love never ended because He died. Instead, He rose from the dead, appeared to Peter and the disciples (Jn. 21:15) and affirmed His everlasting love. 2. The love of the Lord is patient and invites conversion. It must have been difficult to look on the men who left Him to die alone. Yet Jesus came back to them, fed them and invited them to become shepherds of the flock. Peter who denied Him three times now affirms his love thrice (Jn. 21: 15-18) and is brought from darkness into the light of leadership. 3. The love of the Lord seeks our good. The love that led Jesus to the cross caused His blood to flow to wash away our sins. The love that caused His resurrection now offers life eternal to all who believe. The love that led Him to feed and heal the disciples now stirs us to feed the sheep and lambs in our lives. His love desires our growth and happiness. As we ponder the immeasurable love of God, let us not only continuously give Him thanks, but also allow His Spirit to use us as effective signs of His tender love to all.
Lord Jesus, fill us with Your sanctifying love and grace, so that we will all choose to be beacons of Your love in our world. Amen.