Who can know the mind of God? He who created all in existence, and who existed before all things — who was, is and will always be “to infinity and beyond” (Buzz Lightyear) — will always be beyond our understanding. Since our limited minds can never fully grasp God’s infinite ways, there comes a point in our lives when we have to exercise faith in Him who knows everything, and allow Him take the lead in our daily lives. Trusting in God’s plans for us will not necessarily yield the answers we seek. But our faith in His goodness and proven love will give us the courage to “boldly go where no one has gone before” (Star Trek). The Disciples allowed the Spirit to guide and block them in their mission as He saw fit (Acts 15:6-8). We too will get ‘red’ and ‘green’ lights in our journey. Are we prepared to surrender to God and let the Spirit have His way in our lives? Holy Spirit, come and fill us with Your presence. Take charge of our lives. Lead us and guide us as You see fit. Strengthen our faith, so that we will courageously walk in Your ways and abandon ourselves completely to Your will and purpose. Amen.