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  • Fr. Howard Thompson

Lenten Bytes

Love lifts us and stretches us. Jesus, our source of love and joy, tells us that He will draw all to Himself when He is lifted up (Jn. 12:32). He who reigns in heaven is drawing us daily into His presence while we are on earth. As the one Mediator between our heavenly Father and ourselves, Jesus hears all our prayers and presents them to His Father. But before Jesus returned to His Father, the love He has for us demanded that His body be stretched out on a cross. The Lord’s death results in our being lifted to eternal life. When we choose to show love to others, we not only lift their spirits, but we also feel our own hearts lifted. This happens because our true nature to show love is an expression of our participation in the mystery of God who is love. Families are now being ‘stretched’ to show greater love as many stay home because of the Coronavirus. Since love stretches and lifts all, I am extending a challenge for us to grow in and through our prayer lives. Pray as families, but also find the time for personal prayer. Moses prayed for the people in the desert who had turned to an idol and caused anger to God (Ex. 32:9-14). Today, let us deliberately use our prayer time to imitate Moses and pray for each other. We can have confidence in the love of Christ who will listen to us. As we pray for our loved ones and for our world journeying through the Covid-19 pandemic, let love stretch us. Choose to identify and pray for those who have caused anger, pain and hurt in our lives. Let love lift friend and foe in prayer. This is how we can grow.

Lord Jesus, teach us how grow in love by intentionally praying for the well-being of not only our families and friends, but also to genuinely include the healing and advancement of anyone who has caused hurt, pain, suffering and in need of mercy. Amen.


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