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  • Fr. Howard Thompson

Lenten Bytes

I must admit, that after Sunday’s Mass was live streamed successfully, I felt a ‘weight’ lift off my shoulders. The moments leading up to the streaming were coloured with anxiety, paying attention to details, working through the intricacies of the technology, struggling with logistics of recording and even concern about the possibility of disappointing those who were excited to join us and find no feed. In fact, just a few minutes before we were to go live, we began to experience some challenges. Then something beautiful happened. The team felt inspired to do a group prayer. The Holy Spirit was invoked and we surrendered ourselves to the power of Jesus. Literally, three minutes before streaming, everything clicked and went like clockwork. We saw the Lord that morning, and at the end of streaming, we spontaneously burst into praising Him. The worry was a burden, but when we called on the Lord, we found relief in Him and could now move ahead and watch in amazement as God would have His way. Today’s gospel (Jn. 5:1-16) reveals how our burdens can prevent us from moving as we desire. The sick man laid on his mat. He had no one to help him move. Jesus saw his state and asked him if he wanted to be healed. The man’s response was more of self-absorption than of trust. Jesus in His great love, ordered him to take up his mat and walk. He also told the man not to sin, or he may get worse. Real sickness (Covid-19), sin, doubt and fear are real sources of paralysis. But God our healer commands us to walk in faith and trust. Lord Jesus, as you reveal Your healing in our lives, may we learn how to surrender every anxious moment, doubt or fear to You, so that You will remove our physical and spiritual burdens, and empower us to walk in the confidence of Your love. Amen.


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