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  • Fr. Howard Thompson

Lenten Bytes

The Lord always calls us to come back to Him (Jer. 4:1). It is so easy to drift away from Him as our minds justify why we should do what we want and break His commands. Our cravings and appetites sometimes become our main focus and saps our energy, resulting in our failure to spend quality time with God or each other. Our fast paced responsibilities can keep us so occupied, that we miss the many beautiful ways God is blessing us, speaking with us and calling us to come closer to Him. Why does He want us to return to Him? In today’s reading, we hear that God will heal and love us freely (Hos. 14:5). God is ready to look beyond our failings and welcome us home because of the immense saving love He has for us. When people disappoint us, when the ‘system’ confuses us, when our finances do not give us satisfaction and true peace of mind, the only constant that remains is the love of Christ and the power of His resurrection (Phil. 3:10). When He became one of us, Jesus revealed that He is fully God and human. The acid test of truly loving God and neighbour (Mk. 12:29-31) is how well we return love to Him, since He is a combination of both. This Lent, are we loving Jesus as we should? Lord Jesus, help me to love You as You desire. It is by my genuine love for You as God and human, that I can then truly show love to my neighbour and myself. Amen.


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