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Fr. Howard Thompson

Lenten Bytes

Lent invites us to recognise our faults and sins. But we own them and name them, not to keep them or be trapped by them, but to turn them over to the Lord our Saviour. Jesus tells us He came to call sinners to repentance (Lk. 5:32). He stated from the very beginning that He has come to set captives free (Lk. 4:18). Our freedom comes through the forgiveness of sins by the mercy, grace and love of our God. But our liberation is to be used as a time to draw close to God and grow in holiness. This is why the Lenten Season is so important. Like Levi (Lk. 5:27), we focus on the Lord in prayer so that we can hear His voice. The more attuned we are to His presence, the more we will be moved to share what we have, and even imitate Levi in leaving behind that which is not of God. Our new life in Christ is meant to be a celebration of freedom from selfishness. Lord Jesus, help me to focus on your voice and draw strength from your presence, so that I may joyfully leave behind anything that does not allow me to walk closer with You. Amen.


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