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Lenten Bytes

Fr. Howard Thompson

Lent is once again upon us. The call to show concrete signs of love for God, neighbour and self now booms in our ears. This is to be evidenced by an intentional and increased prayer time. In order to listen and hear the voice of our loving God, we are invited to remove the ‘clutter’ through fasting and almsgiving (Mt. 6:1-6, 16-18), which spurs our spiritual growth and the welfare of others.

But why should we undertake these tasks? The Psalmist tells us that this “God of ours is a God who saves” (Ps. 68:4-6). God is by His nature “love” (1 Jn. 4:7-8). God, the Lover, desires and wants to always be together with us, His beloved. He does everything to draw us to Himself. But our weak and sinful nature often threatens this bond of eternal bliss. So since God plays His part to save us, we now are to show we want to be with Him by our acts of penance as signs of our love. Lord Jesus, thank You for the gift of salvation through Your blood and grace. May our observance of prayer, fasting and almsgiving find favour in Your sight. Amen.


Fr. Howie


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