Life begets life. Our Father who is life, gives us the blessing of life. Jesus, our resurrection and life, gives us new life if we follow Him. The Holy Spirit who empowers us, leads us to eternal life when we yield to His promptings. We who are made in God’s image and likeness, are to celebrate life by choosing to be sources of life for others.
Jesus states that He came to “give His life as a ransom for many” (Mt. 20:28), that is, to rescue us from death to life. Life is not about the enticement of honoured places (vs. 21), or the unrestrained pursuit of material gratification. It is about celebrating our God, and using our lives to impart life to others by our love, mercy and compassion.
Lord Jesus, fill us with true joy, so that our lives may celebrate Your goodness, as we strive to share Your life and love with others. Amen.
Fr. Howie