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  • Fr. Howard Thompson

Christmas Bytes

Today, Matthew gives evidence of the ‘new’ Moses that has come to deliver His people. In the Old Testament, Pharaoh gave orders to kill the Hebrew baby boys (Ex. 1:22). In the gospel, King Herod gave orders to kill all the infant boys (Mt. 2:16). Both Moses and Jesus have the prelude of infants being martyred.

Later on, Moses and Jesus would be the ones who deliver the people. Moses would lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt into the land of freedom. Jesus would lead all people out of slavery in sin to the place of eternal life. As we bask in the joy of the Christmas Season, may our prayer today plead for eternal life for all children who are killed.

Lord Jesus, as we celebrate your birth, we ask that You welcome into Your kingdom of life, all children who are killed due to acts of nature, or because of the choices and actions of people. Amen.


Fr. Howie


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