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Fr. Howard Thompson

Advent Bytes

The foster-father of Jesus and husband of Mary, Joseph, reveals three beautiful characteristics that every believer should ponder: 1. Dignity - Mary was perceived as being guilty under the law. But Joseph did not want her public disgrace, and sought to preserve her dignity by a quiet divorce (Mt. 1:19). Do we really gain and advance as a people when we publicly disgrace others? Jesus invites us to “make peace” (Mt. 5:25) which safeguards dignity and allows conversion. 2. Discernment - Joseph must have been shattered with the news that Mary was pregnant. But in the midst of His distress, he did not quickly yield to his emotions, the law or opinions of people. He took time to discern, to seek the Lord for an answer. When we are stressed, do we turn away from our emotions, the law and others to seek God? 3. Devoted - Joseph shows impressive inner strength and courage by maintaining his devotion to the Lord and Mary. He follows the angel’s instructions and keeps Mary as his wife (Mt. 1:24). His dream does not really heal his broken heart, but he takes comfort from the fact that this is what God wants. Do we show the same devotion to our God? Loving Father, You chose Joseph and Mary to guide Your Son in His formative years and prepare Him for adulthood. May Your Holy Spirit guide us, so that our lives may please You and be lights for others. Amen


Fr. Howie


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