In order to be saved by one ‘like’ us, God had to become one of us. To enter into personal contact with us, God became one of us. To show us how to walk in His ways, God chose to ‘take our flesh’. Revealing that Jesus is not distant from us, He was born like us. In order to for us to rise to become like Him, Jesus came down to us. Jesus Christ, truly God, is revealed in today’s genealogy (Mt. 1: 1-17) to be born of Mary, and became truly human. All generations, from Abraham to now and beyond, need a Saviour. Through Jesus, every generation is given the gift of salvation if we choose to walk with Him.
May our lips and lives always praise Him for His love and mercy. Lord Jesus, we celebrate the truth that You save us by becoming one of us. Help us through Your Spirit, who overshadowed Mary, to choose to become more like You, and dedicate ourselves for Your glory. Amen
Fr. Howie