The aim of prayer is to grow steadfast in faith. When Jesus told His disciples that they “should always pray and not give up” (Lk. 18:1), He then asks if He will find faith when He comes (Lk. 8:8). Faith is a gift that has to be cultivated in prayer. The parable that Jesus imparts shows the three stages of faith development through prayer. The first stage of prayer is a focus on self. The widow wanted her needs satisfied (Lk. 18:3). We all pray for our personal needs. The second stage moves from self to a focus on the other person. The judge addresses the widow (Lk. 18:5). The final stage is where we allow God to act (Lk. 8:7). Our faith says, “Have it Your way Lord.” Lord Jesus, increase our faith. Teach us how to surrender ourselves into Your care, so that as we trust in your providence and love, we may praise You for the wonderful ways You act in our lives. Amen.
Fr. Howie