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Today's Byte

Fr. Howard Thompson

Jesus declares that the “kingdom of God is in your midst”, (Lk. 17:21). How do we recognize the kingdom that Jesus brings? 1. Since the kingdom of God is ushered in by the tangible presence of Jesus Christ (Mt. 3:2), then we recognize the kingdom, and help all to see it, when we live as Christ for others. As Jesus was seen, heard and touched by others, so we too should reflect Him through our lives. 2. Jesus is manifested in us when people see our genuine love and concern for all, when mercy and forgiveness is truly practiced without limits, and the corporal and spiritual works of mercy are our priority. The values of the kingdom are to be experienced in our daily lives. 3. We can only be Christ for others when we rely on His grace. This is freely given when we partake of His Word and Sacrament. The Word of the Lord and the gift of the Eucharist impart His life, and empowers us to live as He desires, and to which we are called. Today, let us ask the Holy Spirit to help us live as a people who, by the grace and blood of the Lord, are citizens of God’s eternal kingdom. Lord Jesus, through You, our residence in Your kingdom is assured. Help us to live as a people in whom You are well pleased. Amen.


Fr. Howie


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