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Today's Byte

Fr. Howard Thompson

Where love reigns, there is no room for hate or indifference. When faith fills our hearts and minds, there is no reason to fear or worry, because ‘every little thing, is gonna be alright’. This is the kernel of the message in today’s gospel (Lk. 12:1-7).

Jesus asks us to ponder if we truly believe in an all-powerful and loving God. If we trust in our God who created and provides for the birds of the air, who counts the hairs on our heads, who proves His power ‘time after time’, then why worry? Trust in God and live!

Lord Jesus, teach us how to have the same confidence as You did in our Heavenly Father, so that we joyfully proclaim Your fidelity to others, and live in true peace all the days of our lives. Amen.


Fr. Howie


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