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Today's Byte

Fr. Howard Thompson

When we sing the chorus, “Jesus is my deliverer,” does our enthusiasm in song match our faith as we journey through life? We should rightly sing and give praise to our God (Ps. 113:1). But the words from our lips should lead to a greater conviction in our minds and hearts of our Lord’s power. Jesus highlights this truth in today’s gospel when He reminds us about Jonah (Lk. 11:29-32). It is not enough for the crowd to know and share the story of Jonah’s and the Ninevites’ deliverance, but must move to a deeper level of belief in their own salvation. We speak and sing of Christ’s resurrection, but do we claim that power in our daily lives? Lord Jesus, you who rose from the dead as the concrete sign of our assurance of eternal life, please bless us with an increase in faith. May our lives give witness to the power of Your resurrection. Amen.


Fr. Howie


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