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Today's Byte

Fr. Howard Thompson

Our belief in our God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit, states that every action of love by any of them, is the will and deliberate action of all three. God, who is three Persons in One, always works in unison for our good and advancing His glory. Since our God works as Trinity, then it means that we, who are created in God’s likeness, are also called and empowered to work in unity for the good of all.

Jesus highlights the truth in today’s gospel that a “kingdom divided against itself will fall” (Lk. 11:17). The only true binding force that keeps us together is love. Since God is love, and we are created to love, then it is the exercise of real love that keeps us together. Jesus reveals how to live as a kingdom people: share the good news; be open to conversion; exercise mercy and pardon; heal and serve all.

Lord Jesus, as you fill us with the power of Your consuming love, teach us how to live and work together for the advancement of Your eternal kingdom. Amen.

Blessings, Fr. Howie


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