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Lenten Bytes

Fr. Howard Thompson

The countdown to the Triduum is now intensified. We hear Jesus predicting that one of the disciples will betray him, and that Peter will deny Him three times (Jn. 13:21, 38). The former sets the stage for Jesus’ arrest, while the latter is a prelude to the cry to crucify Him. Judas had his agenda for betraying Jesus, but Jesus’ aim was to do the will of His Father. Peter’s denial was all about self-preservation. As the Triduum approaches, let us ask for the grace to purify our motives, words and actions, so that we may not deny or betray Jesus. Lord Jesus, forgive us when we do not listen, do not seek Your will, but instead choose to be wrapped up in our own thoughts and myopic agendas, which lead to betraying or denying You. Amen.


Fr. Howie



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