"Feed my sheep" (Jn. 21:17). This beautiful statement from Jesus has implications for both the shepherd and the sheep. The shepherd is any believer - parent, pastor, family, and friend - who is called to guide the sheep. The latter are those who are instructed - children, congregation, relatives, and companions - by those called to be shepherds in their lives. Feeding is not limited to food, but is symbolic for the word of God that leads to life. The shepherd has the task of feeding this word that will give comfort to and challenge the sheep. The shepherd, who remains faithful to 'proper' feeding of the sheep, will experience varying moments of acceptance or rejection. This is based on the level of love, openness and humility of the sheep. What is our response? Lord Jesus, as our good Shepherd, help us to be open to Your word of life so that we may reflect this word to others. Amen.