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  • Fr. Howard Thompson

Easter Bytes

In our daily journey of life, to whose voice do we give our undivided attention? Jesus declares, "My sheep hear my voice" (Jn. 10:27). But how do we know the voice of the Lord and respond to Him? We do this by choosing to spend time with Him in prayer, ponder His word, bolster our liturgical and sacramental lives, and strive to habitually please Him. Since His voice leads us to be close to Him and love each other, we must actively resist those voices from others, or in our heads, which aim to destroy the sheepfold. The voice of the Good Shepherd will be the one that calls for unity, harmony, mercy and uplifting the names and characters of others. Voices of the ego, hireling or the devil invite only division, disharmony and hate. Loving Shepherd, help us to heed Your voice, and respond to Your call to be lead to the green pastures of Your eternal kingdom. Amen.

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