True love desires that which is best. It burns for togetherness, seeks the growth of the other, and constantly looks beyond the shortfalls to the vision of a greater good. We see these truths in today's gospel (Lk. 5:27-32). Jesus wants Levi in His company so He calls him. Levi would learn what it means to be a disciple of Jesus and grow in His ways. Whatever the perceptions or the real experiences of Levi, Jesus saw Levi as someone for His kingdom. We are all "Levi" called by Jesus to follow Him (Lk. 5:27). During the Season of Lent, we follow Jesus into the wilderness to learn how to depend more on Him and the grace He imparts. This means removing the distractions and attachments in our lives so that we grow to trust and surrender our wills to Him. Our blessed assurance is based on the words of Jesus, who has come to call sinners (Lk. 5:32). God's love invites us to live in heaven forever. Lord Jesus, teach me how to love as You love, to forgive as You are merciful, and to look forward with hope to our eternal home. Amen.