"The One who sent Me is with Me" (Jn. 8:29a). Jesus had comfort and confidence that His Father never left Him alone, because He did what was pleasing to Him (Jn. 8.29b). The relationship between Jesus and His Father was truly beautiful. It revealed a deep and intimate connection that is to be imitated by all believers. Whereas the 'son of God' (the Israelites) mumbled and complained against God and Moses (Nm. 21:5), the Son of God (Jesus) gave thanks to His Father for everything. The first 'son' was focused on the needs of the self, while the next Son was more concerned for the salvation of the world. Today, which 'son' will I imitate? Father, help me to draw close to You, and allow You to draw close to me so that I may please You in all things. Amen.