Fr. Howard Thompson

Jun 30, 20171 min

Today's Byte

The ancient idea that 'cleanliness is next to godliness' is a truth for all ages. Today we encounter the power of Jesus to heal and cleanse the body from illness (Mt. 8:2-3). It is through the blood of Jesus that we are cleansed from our sin (1 Jn. 1:7).


The leper in today's reading provides the paradigm for our own cleansing. He drew near to Jesus. We too are to draw close to God (Jas. 4:8). The leper asked to be cleansed. Jesus tells us to 'ask and we will receive' (Mt. 7:7). Today, be cleansed in the Lord.


Lord Jesus, may Your word and grace cleanse me at all times, so that I may live in the power of Your healing love. Amen.

